Employees are an integral part of our success, responsible for laying out the firm foundation to grow Teambuild Land into the company it is today. We believe strongly in engaging our employees through our five principles of knowing, growing, inspiring, involving, and rewarding to drive their true potential. In addition, through our training and development initiatives, employees are able to further cultivate their skill set and develop their industry knowledge along the way.
Take the first step to apply, and we will do the rest.


Job Application

    Position Applying For

    Personal Information


    Full Name (in NRIC/Passport)*

    NRIC/Passport No.*

    Citizenship (Singaporean, SPR, etc)

    Residency status (Singapore, SPR, EP, SP, WP, DP)

    Address in Singapore

    Contact No*

    Email Address*

    Driving License


    Expected salary

    Notice period

    Were you referred by a Teambuild employee


    Upload Resume
